Pioneering better
butt care for all

Our products are formulated for butthole health, with natural, effective ingredients.

Reasons why we all need a Happie Holl

  • ( 1 ) Rejuvenation is ass-ential

    After any major butt event; anal play, a big poo, too much poo or excess wiping there can be skin disruption. It’s ass-ential to soothe and replenish the skin to fight off any additional trauma and rejuvenate the skin's natural barrier.

  • ( 2 ) Powerful formulation

    Blending the power of science with potent natural ingredients, our pharmacological team have developed a safe, alternative to harsh pharmaceutical products. Made with locally sourced Australian ingredients, even our beeswax is sourced from local bees.

  • ( 3 ) Liberate your butt

    Bye bye butt shame. Hello liberated hole! Finally, butt stuff is sexy, cute and inclusive. We've made it our mission to make every hole a little happier. In addition to our products, we've also been developing informative resources on the derrière because butt knowledge is power. Own your hole happiness today.

Why haven't products like this existed before?

Butt holes have always come with stigma and shame. But, and it's a big but, as we've collectively become more comfortable with our bodies and our sexuality, so too has the wellness space grown with abundance. It’s created a gaping hole for dialogue around butt stuff and ultimately the need for better care down there. Because let’s face it, at some point, our butts are going to crack it. And when it happens, we're here to help.

See our Butt Buddie's testimonials

Still not convinced? Bare it all to our founder.

'Hi, I'm Marc, the founder behind Happie Holl. I want to hear from you. Perhaps you want to confess your most embarrassing butt story or maybe you just have a question about a product. Let's talk about butts!'

Call me +61 0402 595 401



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